*Print editions / printed Bibles are highlighted in brown below.
- Paperback
- Hardcover**
- Large Print
- Reader's Bible
- Leather-Bound***
- Value Edition
- Audiobook (A)
- Android App (A)
- Kindle (A)
- With Apocrypha (A)
- e-Sword
- e-Sword HD/X/LT (A)
- MySword (A)
- theWord ↓
- PDF ↓
- Logos Edition
- Verbum Edition
- Logos Personal ↓
- EPUB ↓
- Plain Text ↓
- Accordance ↓
- Olive Tree (A)
- Apple Books (A)
- Google Books (A)
- NOOK (A)
- Kobo (A)
- MyBible (A)
- BibleShow
- Bookshare (D)
- BibleUp (T)
- LSV in One Year (A)
**The standard LSV hardcover is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Christian Book Distributors, Walmart, and many other booksellers.
***Limited supplies of genuine cowhide leather-bound LSV Bibles are now available from Holy Bound.
***Limited supplies of genuine cowhide leather-bound LSV Bibles are now available from Holy Bound.
NOVEMBER 2023: The 120-Book Holy Bible and Apocrypha Collection hardcover has JUST RELEASED!
The 120-Book Holy Bible and Apocrypha is the largest Scripture and apocryphal collection ever published, featuring all 54 books of the 2022 edition of The Complete Apocrypha® and all 66 books of the Holy Bible, plus additional writings, charts, and maps. It's the new, literal, easy-to-read, definitive collection of Christian and Jewish [non-gnostic] Scriptures and apocryphal books. It's also the longest single-volume published book in the world at over 1.5 million words, exceeding even the Guinness World Record holder À la recherche du temps perdu by Marcel Proust at 1.3 million words. Learn more here.
COMING 2024: Capping off the Literal Standard Version of The Holy Bible and The Complete Apocrypha®, a fresh, modern, and literal translation of ancient works of Judeo-Christian history, called Ancient Historia, will be released—the third and final volume of the LSV project.
Listen to the LSV read aloud by narrator Anne Kelly:
The LSV Reader's Bible, a high-quality five-volume hardcover set, is now available:
You can read the LSV online at the following websites (“I” = interlinear; “A” = Android or Apple apps available):
Other formats are currently in development or being planned, including:
- Leather-bound
- DBL-compatible apps
- More options to come
Bible covers that have been tested to fit the paperback LSV:
If you are a reviewer and would like a complimentary review copy, please email covenantpress@ccc.one with your mailing address and a link to your ministry or website.
The first edition of the Literal Standard Version went live on February 2, 2020 and since then the LSV team has been seeking to make this groundbreaking translation available to more readers in more and various formats at as low a cost as possible, because God's word should be delivered without profit motive to those from every walk of life. “Freely you received, freely give.” The LSV will always be offered for free in digital format, but some formats have production and delivery costs and you can help support our ministry when you purchase the LSV in one of these formats.
The hardcover LSV is pictured above |
PERMISSIONS: The Literal Standard Version of The Holy Bible is a registered copyright of Covenant Press and the Covenant Christian Coalition (© 2020), but has been subsequently released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license (CC BY-SA) per our desire to provide God’s word freely. Covenant Press requests that the text remain unaltered in the English language and that translations based on the LSV maintain the same spirit of faithfulness to the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek text. Attribution of minor citations for personal or non-commercial use can be provided as simply “LSV” or “Literal Standard Version.” Citations for commercial use, or distribution of the entire LSV Bible or entire book(s) of the LSV Bible, must be fully attributed and include both “Literal Standard Version (LSV)” and the name of our organization. Covenant Press is soliciting partnerships with Bible publishers that are interested in the LSV project. For queries about partnering with us, please email the translation team at covenantpress@ccc.one. To learn more, visit lsvbible.com. The purpose behind the LSV is to provide readers with a modern, easy-to-read, literal, and accurate translation of the Bible that is free to read, distribute, and translate from. We pray that God will use the LSV to illuminate the hearts and minds of multitudes with the good news that His Son Jesus Christ came in the flesh, died for our sins as a substitutionary sacrifice, rose bodily from the dead, and is coming back again.
The LSV Bible has been featured and discussed in numerous outlets since the original publication.
Associated Press
Boston Herald
Christianity Today
The Baptist Courier
The Gospel Coalition
Not Just Another Book
Association for Mormon Letters
The Bible Hunter
You can also read our original press releases at Religion News Service and Christian Newswire.
For media inquiries you can email covenantpress@ccc.one or contact the general editor at gray@ccc.one.
The LSV Bible has been featured and discussed in numerous outlets since the original publication.
Associated Press
Boston Herald
Christianity Today
The Baptist Courier
The Gospel Coalition
Not Just Another Book
Association for Mormon Letters
The Bible Hunter
You can also read our original press releases at Religion News Service and Christian Newswire.
The LSV is a brand new translation of The Holy Bible. It’s God’s word like you’ve never experienced before. https://t.co/sAVY1pcHys #HolyBible #TheBible #Scriptures #BibleTranslation— Pst. Gbenro (@gbenro) April 8, 2020
The recently published LSV Bible from Covenant Press has charted a fundamentally different course than the 20th and 21st century Critical Text translations: https://t.co/XmmtZEsQ9R pic.twitter.com/ZIyNsEStiW
— Newswire Texas (@newswireTX) August 21, 2020
A New Bible Translation was Released This Year - Literal Standard Version is based on the Textus Receptus https://t.co/wPL8tsCvRV
— Tim Underwood (@TUnderwood) August 17, 2020
For media inquiries you can email covenantpress@ccc.one or contact the general editor at gray@ccc.one.